Working with the TCCA

Milchael Fitzmaurice with MEP Luke ‘Ming’ Flanagan
As Chairman of TCCA, I have consistently campaigned for the Rights of domestic turf cutters to cut their own turf for their own use, on their own turf banks.
It would appear that when ministers and bureaucrats come together, common sense goes out the window. Small Scale Domestic Turf Cutters require only 2% of the area of bog currently designated . This miniscule amount of bog will last each family for approximately 200 years which is the epitome of sustainability. Sustainability has three pillars, Social, Economic and Environmental but the Social and Economic pillars have been totally disregarded by the EU and successive Irish Governments.
The TCCA have demonstrated how the objectives of the Habitats Directive can me met, while at the same time providing for the needs of small scale domestic turf cutters. All that is required now is a little goodwill and flexibility.
Successive governments have not addressed this issue and as a result, we the people have been left with no option but to assert and defend our rights.
Together with my colleagues and Turf Cutting Communities represented by the TCCA, I will continue this battle until justice is attained for all involved.
Please join me on this journey and together we will succeed for the benefit of all.