It was heartening to sit down with the FCI, PAC, IFA, ICSA, ICMSA, and Teagasc today on the issue of the controversial tractor test legislation and everyone had one aim in mind and that was a sensible resolution to this issue, and now that came to pass. The exchanges at the meeting were robust at times but in fairness to the officials who attended from the Department of Transport they could see our point of view on this test.
A review is now promised and everyone will have to sit down together and get this right before we proceeed any further. Farmers and agricultural contractors carrying out their daily business should be exempt from this test.
As things stand this test is actually the law of the land but we will be talking to the Department about getting this legislation anulled by the Dail and I am preparing a motion to that effect. Alternatively the Attorney General will be asked to look at this situation as well- but either way the legislation will have to be set aside while a sensible and acceptable system is introduced.