It is quite unbelievable to note that Iranrod Eireann will not be running any special trains from the West this Sunday as tens of thousands of people will be travelling to support their respective counties in Croke Park.
We hear constant calls in recent years for people to use public transport more, and here we have a situation where three counties from the West are playing in Croke Park on Sunday and there is not one extra train being put on to cater for people. Not alone that, but the last scheduled train that leaves Heuston Station for Mayo/Roscommon on Sunday evening goes at 6.30pm which would leave no time for anyone to get from Croke Park to Heuston in time. If it was not so serious it would be the joke of the year.
Iranrod Ereann are in financial trouble and ij that scenario they should be far more pro-active in terms of business. They should have been on the ball on Monday morning advertising on the national media that they were putting on special trains for the matches. The Government say that they want people to use public transport but they can forget about it if this is how Iranrod Eireann carry on. They are treating their customers in the West and in rural Ireland with disdain and not only that, but they are turning down a chance to make some extra money. It’s about time they copped on and reacted to the needs of the public. This Sunday we will end up with all roads from the west to Dublin choc-a-bloc with traffic while no special trains are running on the day. It’s a farce to be honest.