In the ongoing debate about problems in the health service the Minister and the HSE must address the situation with regard to the falling numbers of GP’s particularly in rural areas. It has been proven time and time again that investment in primary care not only is good for the patient but it is a huge cost saving measure as well. Every extra Euro spent on primary care saves the exchequer six Euro in hospital and other costs. Over 90% of medical care is provided by the GP’s around the country but the level of investment in primary care is miniscule and far below any of our counterparts in Europe. It makes sense that if there were more GP’s in rural areas then the pressure would be eased on hospital A and E units. The situation that exists now is that some GP’s setting up in rural Ireland get the rural GP allowance while others do not and this is a farcical situation. Is it any wonder why the majority of newly qualified doctors want to emigrate? The solution to the crisis in our health system is a complex one but here is one way we can alleviate at least some of the problems, and it would not cost a fortune either
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