News that funding has been approved to provide an eight bed Hospice Unit at Roscommon County Hospital is very welcome and the great work being done over many years by the Mayo/Roscommon Hospice organsation is being rightly recognised. The provision of the new facilities will be universally welcomed in the region. I will be doing everythng I can along with my constituency colleagues to ensure that this project is brought to fruition as smoothly as possible.
It will be vitally important that the proper rescouces are put in place so that this Hospice Unit will be fully operational when it is ready in terms of staffing and all the supports that any such unit would require. It is hoped that the unit will be built in 2019 so there is adequate time for forward planning in this regard.
I also want to raise the matter of the Rehab Unit also proposed for Roscommon County Hospital in the wake of the news that 12 beds at the National Rehabilitation Hospital in Dun Laoighre are to close because of lack of resources and staffing issues. If there are staffing issues in Dun Laoighre then the chances are that any proposed Rehab Unit in Roscommon would be affected by similar problems.
The HSE must outline it’s plans for the Roscommon Rehab unit and if specialist nursing and other staff need to be trained to work in this area now and in the future, then plans must be made in that regard. I will be asking the HSE and Minister Harris to make a statement on this matter at the earliest opportunity.