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Garda Commissioner Should Step Aside For Duration Of Charleton Inquiry

By February 10, 2017No Comments

With regard to the forthcoming inquiry to be conducted by Supreme Court Judge Peter Charleton I am calling today for the Comissioner of the Garda Siochana Noirin O’Sullivan, to step aside from her position in the interests of the country in general while the inquiry is underway. The Garda commissioner is entitled to her good name but there are very serious allegations being made againt senior Gardai and it would be prudent for her to step aside pending the outcome of the inquiry in the public interest and in the interest of the force.

This is not a personal attack on Noirin O‘Sullivan, but for her to remain in her position while this investigation is taking place would be to the detriment of the force and the morale of the officers working in the Gardai. In the interests of natural justice and the fact that former Superintentent David Taylor has been suspended for the past 21 months in connection with the matters under investigation, the Commisionner should step aside without prejudice until the outcome of these invesigations are known.
